Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research Presentation Proposal

The large format photographer that I chose is Ansel Adams. Ansel Adams photographed landscapes. He used a Box Brownie, Pocket Kodak, a 4x5 view, Zeiss Millifles, a 6-1/2 x 8, 1/2 glass plate camera, 4 x 5 camera, Hassleblands, 35mm, and Polaroi cameras. Ansel liked using a large format 8x10 camera but His favorite medium format camera was a 6x6. He liked how the large format changed the depth of field and how he could change the perception of the image.


The photographer that I chose who does not use a large format camera is Tony Sweet. Tony photographs nature, fine art, stock, workshops, and private instruction. He uses Nikon D800, Nikon D200 (dedicated to infrared), Nikon CoolPix A, and Fuji X pro 1 – w/ lenses 14mm; 18-55mm; 55-200mm; 60mm macro. Tony has work published worldwide in every medium.

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