Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research Presentation Proposal

The two artists I chose for my research project are Gregory Crewdson and Ryan Schude. Both work in similar narrative styles, with a large production crew that helps them shoot. The use different photographic mediums, but either way the end result is an elaborate, stunning photograph.

Gregory Crewdson uses large format photography to help bring his elaborate narrative scenes to life. His distinctive use and quality of light in each photo sets his work apart from the rest. Each of his photographs evoke a quiet, solitary moment. He is a storyteller who directs every aspect of his photos.

Ryan Schude works in the digital format with a similar type of subject matter. He creates elaborate narratives with different environments, people, and props that require many hours of hard work with many volunteers. He tells not only one but multiple stories within the frame of one picture, which sometimes requires more than one shot. 

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