Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Landscape Memory

Thinking about landscape and memory made me think back this past summer when I went to New Hampshire to meet up with a bunch of photographers and hang out for a week. We were surrounded by so many beautiful landscapes - mountains, waterfalls, rivers, and lakes - that I knew I wanted to associate memories from these landscapes. This specific picture was taken at Ripley Falls in Harts Location, NH. Our group of 18 people hiked up to these falls and then dispersed in all different directions with our cameras. Some people climbed up near the top of the mountain, some went off to the side pool, and others stayed on the rocks near the bottom, and it was an incredible addition to the view of the landscape. Afterwards we all went to another waterfall just down the road, and I decided to stay behind and take in all the scenery with a few other of my friends. I felt so in peace at that moment, and that's what these pictures from this day remind me of. Memories of peace and new friendships.

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